You are Fully Known and Loved

You are Fully Known and Loved

In Exodus 2:25, “God saw the people of Israel and God knew.” Whether it’s a specific time in your life or it’s every day, we all experience pain, suffering, loss, or bondage. It is often overlooked because it is something that cannot be seen.

When God's Ask is too Difficult

Exodus 2:25

“God saw the people of Israel and God knew.”

Exodus 2:25 tells me that God knows every part of us, the good parts, and even the bad parts that we are too ashamed to share. He knows when we are suffering and when we are in pain. The good news is that our God is a loving, merciful, and just God. He knows when we are being oppressed. He knows that we function as slaves to specific sins. He hears us when we cry out to Him for rescue. Today, I want you to know – you are fully known and loved. God will rescue you from that bondage that might be consuming you.

When God's Ask is too Difficult

Acts 2:21

“If anyone calls upon the name of the Lord, He will save you.”

According to Acts 2:21, the Bible says, “If anyone calls upon the name of the Lord, He will save you.” Whatever you may be experiencing right now, God wants to deliver you the same way He delivered the Israelites. He wants to deliver you from your pain, loss, suffering, or worries. He wants to lead you to the land of milk and honey – a much better place than where you may be today. Jesus is waiting to walk with you. He wants to walk you through the storm. When you are feeling anxious, God already knows because you are fully known and loved by Him. The pain that often times cannot be heard by human ears is shouting in the loudest tones in the ears of God. Beloved, you are not alone. You are fully known and loved by God.

Victor Lopez

Victor Lopez

Victor is an Elder and Bible Worker at the Anderson Seventh-Day Adventist Church. He graduated from SOULS West Bible College and Michigan College of Evangelism. Over his 8 years of ministry, he has served in numerous roles - Assistant Director of Evangelism for the Colorado Conference and the Youth Program Leader for Southern California, Georgia, and Indiana conferences. Victor’s lifelong mission is sharing the gospel and leading people to the feet of Jesus.

Victor’s personal interests are traveling, cooking plant-based foods, and spending time with family. A fun fact about Victor is that he has backpacked 8 countries in Europe within 2 weeks!

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