Anderson SDA Church respects your privacy. Web servers are generally capable of collecting, storing and analyzing a variety of information about those who visit the site. Our goal is to keep the information collected at this website secure and to use it only for purposes for which it was intended or to improve the quality of the web service we provide. To inform you of our policies, we provide the following detailed information about our data collection processes.

What information is collected?

Anderson SDA Church does not collect your personally identifiable information when you visit one of our websites unless you choose to provide that information to us. We do collect the following to improve service and to monitor and preserve the functioning of the system:

  • Internet address of computer being used (IP address)
  • Web pages requested
  • Referring web page
  • Web browser utilized
  • Operating System of the computer being used
  • Date and time
  • Username for authenticated services


Cookies are pieces of information that a website stores on an individual’s computer for the purpose of remembering login information or user preferences. Cookies will never be used to store private information.

Sharing of Information

From time to time, individuals or companies working with Anderson SDA Church may have access to confidential information in the course of the service they provide to the University, but those entities are not permitted to use or re-disclose that information for unauthorized purposes. No other entities are authorized to collect information through Anderson SDA Church’s website.

Other than the previously stated conditions, Anderson SDA Church will not share information regarding your website usage or any other personal information without your consent unless required by compliance to law or in response to a law enforcement investigation or court order.

Text Messaging

No mobile information will be shared with third parties/affiliates for marketing/promotional purposes. All other categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties


If you have questions about this privacy and security statement or believe that your personal information has been released without your consent, send an email to