There is a major question that people ask concerning the rebellion of Satan. Why did God allow Satan to continue to exist if He knew the pain and suffering that would be inflicted on this world? The simple answer is God is bound by Justice in all that He does. Had God instantly executed Lucifer, the one who was accusing Him of being unjust, Lucifer’s argument could have been strengthened in the eyes of the other angels. Suspicion would have run rampant had this beloved and highest of angels been suddenly destroyed. Was there something he knew that God was trying to cover up? No, God would allow fairness to dictate His actions.
The Bible makes something clear in Deuteronomy chapter 19 that the accused cannot sit in judgment over the accuser; neither can the accuser sit in judgment over the accused. There must be a third party to decide the dispute between both parties. God was being accused by a greatly beloved and dazzling angel. There must be a third party, a jury, bound by the laws of righteousness, to serve in this case. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6, Ezekiel 28, Revelation 1, and Romans 16 that humans will judge angels but, when and how this will happen will be the subject of a later devotional.
In our society, there are a few special requirements for someone to be chosen as a juror for a trial. First, they cannot have been an eyewitness to the original crime. Second, they must be a law-abiding citizen. Third, they must be able to discern between good and evil. And fourth, they must not be swayed by public opinion. These were the attributes of the first pair created on earth. Recognizing Adam and Eve as the “kings” of the newly created earth, Satan set out to overcome them – in hopes of bribing the jury. Approaching Eve in the garden, Satan sold her the same lies that he did to the angels in heaven. He told her that if she ate from the fruit of the tree that they would be like God without having to obey God. Genesis 3:6 says that she took of the tree and gave some to her husband too. Satan now leads humans in the same separation from God that he had. This is how sin entered into the world. Satan had successfully bribed the jury and if there is no jury there is no judgment.
Would God go and destroy Adam and Eve for their transgression? Would He get rid of this tampered jury and start over? No, the depth of God’s love would not allow it. God would institute the plan of salvation, a GPS to bridge the gap of separation. Though the sentence of death was pronounced upon them by God, He also gave them the promise that a redeemer would save repentant mankind and restore them as law-abiding jurors and citizens of heaven in Genesis 3:15. By dying on the cross, Christ was to demonstrate the law of love in action, and through this action, inspire love in the hearts of millions and span separation caused by sin. For this reason, Jesus said in John 14:15, “If you love me, keep my commandments” – this is the true sign of love for God. There in the garden, that first animal was slain to cover the nakedness of the first pair, which was a sign of Jesus who would die to cover the nakedness of our sin. But what is this plan that God will institute to save us? What is the GPS that will take us back to God? Next week, we will share that plan with you as we go over The Blueprint.
Pastor Anthony Nix
Anthony serves as the Pastor For Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church in Anderson, IN. A charismatic communicator with a message that motivates discipleships to Jesus, Anthony teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love and His desire to be in relationship with His creation. He is a graduate of Southern Adventist University. Anthony and his wife Nayeli have three beautiful and loving children.
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