The Bible tells us that heaven was a place of peace until one of the highest, most beautiful angels rebelled. The prophet Ezekiel calls him an anointed cherub who covered. He was perfect. To understand what a covering cherub is, we need to understand a unique building God instructed Moses to make called the tabernacle. This structure served as a shadow of the heavenly sanctuary according to Hebrews 8:2 & 5.
Inside the tabernacle was a golden furnishing called the mercy seat, a symbol of God’s throne. Under this mercy seat was the ark. Inside that ark was the law of God. Moses was commanded to make two inanimate cherubs, or angels, to cover the ark. This symbol shows that the covering cherub was a being that stands closest to the throne of God, but most importantly was to be a covering protector of God’s law. In 1 Chronicles chapter 28, David refers to the ark as the footstool of God. Prominent Presbyterian theologian Albert Barns states that “David views the ark as God’s footstool because he was enthroned above it visible in the shechinah or luminous cloud, present from time to time above the mercy seat and between the cherubim.” This idea illustrates that the foundation of God’s universal kingdom is His law which is summed up by Paul in Romans 13:10 as love.
As a covering cherub, Lucifer’s responsibility was to cover, protect, and show the holiness of God’s law of love, the foundation of peace in the universe. But the Bible tells us that iniquity was found in this angel. Iniquity, another word for sin, is also described in 1 John 3:4 as transgression of God’s law. After Lucifer transgressed in his heart, he convinced other angels in heaven to rebel with him against God’s law. The way he was able to accomplish this was by trafficking deceptive Ideas among the angels. Isaiah 14:12-14 tells us that Lucifer aspired to exalt his throne above the stars and to be like the Most High without the foundation of the law of love.
The Bible says that the Most High is righteous, pure, and holy. Lucifer wanted to be like God without the need to obey God’s law. His argument to the angels was a simple, yet deceptive message that they didn’t need to obey God to be holy like God. Each angel could choose to do his own will, follow his inclinations, and still be righteous without the law. But in rebelling against the law of love, the result could only lead to hate. When Lucifer sinned, it caused a divide between him and God. Isaiah 59:1-2 tells us that our iniquities have separated us from God. A war broke out in heaven, a war of ideas. Revelation 12:7-9 tells us that Lucifer, now Satan, and his angels were banished from heaven and Satan would continue the war. But now he would aim to hit God where it hurts the most, with His creation.
Join us next week as we explore how Satan was able to trick God’s creation into joining his rebellion and how the war continues to this day.
Pastor Anthony Nix
Anthony serves as the Pastor For Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church in Anderson, IN. A charismatic communicator with a message that motivates discipleships to Jesus, Anthony teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love and His desire to be in relationship with His creation. He is a graduate of Southern Adventist University. Anthony and his wife Nayeli have three beautiful and loving children.
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