For 1,260 years, Satan tried to do his best to trample the heavenly sanctuary and God’s spiritual Israel, but God responds to Satan’s attack on the heavenly sanctuary with a prophecy that would last 2,300 years. This prophecy would usher in the ministry of Jesus. It would also usher in a period of end time judgment for the world.
Aside from that, God would raise up several movements to restore the damage that the little horn did to the symbols of the heavenly sanctuary. This awesome 2,300-year prophecy would start in 457 BC when the king of Persia gave an order to restore Jerusalem.
Right in the middle of the prophecy, Jesus would be born, He would establish his ministry, and He would die on the cross for our sins. He would restore the covenant with God’s people, but they would reject Him, and the Gospel would go to the Gentiles.
The end of this prophecy happens in 1844 where Jesus moves into his high Priestly ministry in the most holy place. This is a time where Jesus begins to look at the actions of human beings to see if their actions line up with their profession of faith.
During this 2,300-year prophecy, God would begin to restore His truth in all of the articles of the sanctuary to the minds of the people of this world.
In the 1300s, He started with John Wycliffe. John Wycliffe would restore the table of showbread by translating the Bible from Latin to English and by that putting the Word of God before the common people.
In the 1400s and 1500s, Martin Luther, a Catholic monk, would find the truth of righteousness by faith in the Bible. Martin Luther was used by God to restore the altar of sacrifice and that only by the sacrifice of Jesus are we saved and not by any merit of our own.
In the 1500s, John Calvin would restore true prayer, which is the altar of incense in the holy place. We would learn through John Calvin that prayer is an important part of a Christian’s life.
In the 1600s, John Smyth, one of the cofounders of the Baptist denomination, would restore the laver. The Catholic Church had taken away the biblical baptism, and they begin to baptize infants, even by sprinkling. But the Baptists restored the laver and emphasized that the Bible says we should be immersed in baptism and that it should be a conscious choice of the person who has decided to follow Jesus.
The 1700s would bring around John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist and Wesleyan denominations. God would restore the candlesticks to the sanctuary. He preached that our actions should be a light to the world—sanctified and holy as God is holy.
In the 1800s, God would begin to spark the interest of people in different denominations around the world to study the prophecy of the 2,300 years, found in Daniel 8 and 9, which would bring about the Seventh-day Adventist Church that would see Jesus in the sanctuary.
By the 1860s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church would be preaching Christ in the most holy place and would be shining a light on the Commandments of God and the seventh day Sabbath; thus, restoring God’s plan of salvation, the blueprint of the heavenly sanctuary to the world.
Next week, we’ll see Satan’s final counterattack in this great controversy between Christ and Satan.
Pastor Anthony Nix
Anthony serves as the Pastor For Anderson Seventh-day Adventist Church in Anderson, IN. A charismatic communicator with a message that motivates discipleships to Jesus, Anthony teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love and His desire to be in relationship with His creation. He is a graduate of Southern Adventist University. Anthony and his wife Nayeli have three beautiful and loving children.
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